Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Hurlers

The Hurlers was formed from the Bronze Age dating back to 1500 BC. The formation of The Hurlers is basically three very large stone circles (like circle crops). There are many myths about these stone circles, but what is clear is that there may be some meaning behind the compass formation of these circles.

The circles are not all the same size and do not have the same number of stones making up each circle. The southern most circle is the smallest, the middle circle is the next largest and the northern most circle is the largest. The number of stones currently making up each circle ranges from 9 to 14 stones, however, when originally built they would have been more stones in each circle.

I’m not too clear on all the myths surrounding the stones, so it’s worth a visit to get your own view. However, it is said that the stones represented people being ‘turned’ to stone, because they played hurling on religious day, where it was forbidden. It is also said that the circles are situated in a typical location which would have made it convenient for traders to gather. This is because the circles are (as many others) strategically placed between two rivers, and I presume the traders may have used the water ways to transport their wears.

The Hurlers is a gorgeous historical location where one can stay close by, in the many Cornish cottages available. Many of Cornwall’s best cottages, some of which are Cornish cottages quite near to such a symbolic location.

Many cottage owners are very hospitable to holiday goers, who explore these Cornwall’s shores, countryside, structures, monuments and historical sites; historically focused vacationers tend to find so much of Cornwall’s most significant sites. There are so many cottages to choose from, throughout the whole of Cornwall; making Cornwall a perfect place to embark on a journey of historical discovery of many ancient sites and other points of interest. I would recommend that you choose a cosy cottage, which should add to the whole family experience of this desireable area of countryside.

During your stay in Cornwall, you might want to plan to venture out to the many sites, villages, cottage holidays, or the stunning countryside. Cornwall is a superb holiday location with sandy beaches, countryside, culture and traditional values. You should enjoy much of what is available in and around the Cornish country, in the cosiness of a traditional, cosy cottage; Google the Cornwall Sunshine website and find that perfect cottage for your family. An attraction of Cornwall, is that it is home to many places that are full of history, mythology and tradition, not to mention the charming small farms, towns and villages. You should enjoy the offering of a cottage in Cornwall, built out of local stone, and some converted disused barns. These are an important part of Cornwall’s history and a visual guide of how spectacular it is to be in Cornwall.

You will find The Hurlers close to the Minions village, an old copper mining area. With so many myths surrounding these stones, it is not difficult to concur up mysterious imaginings about the stones. One such legend that, for some reason, it is difficult to accurately count the Hurlers, but for those that manage to get the count right, some kind of misfortune will happen to them.

That said, the kids enjoyed running around in the wide open spaces.

If you take your family to Cornwall, make sure pay a visit to The Hurlers.

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